Archive for August 8, 2007

Emerging from the rubble

Well I guess sometimes you don’t realise how much time has gone by since you were last in touch with people. Just recently I started to be in touch with some friends I had kinda let go off along the way. It’s nice to have friends…I guess I didn’t realise how much I had been hiding ‘beneath the rubble’ so to speak since Steve and I went our separate ways.

I mean everyone who knows me knows that I am happier, healthier (hell even a little thinner) than I have been in many years and I thought all was pretty fine and rosy myself. Then I realised just recently that I had pretty much cut a few people out of my life just by not contacting them for months and months…I am now getting back in touch. I guess I thought I had picked up my whole life and marched on but it seems I had left a few bits behind that I had to run back for before I lost them completely. Man I’m rambling lol!

WEll life goes on…I am not sad at all for the life that left behind. I am sad for Owen who still says that he wants Daddy to come and live with us again, but even this is happening less often. The frustrations of being a single Mum are pretty much summed up in a conversation with Owen the other day…

“Owen I told you to put your pj’s on, so do it NOW please”

“I like Daddy more than you, Daddy never yells”

“Are you good for Daddy all the time Owen?”


“Well, if you were always good for Mummy then Mummy wouldn’t need to yell!”

grrr – he doesn’t get the logic! oh well on the most part they are relatively good – just LOUD always sooo loud!

Yesterday the boys and I cleaned out the car in preparations for our snow trip. OMG I removed a FULL garbage bag of rubbish from that ONE vehicle – I was disgusted! I vow to clean out my car far more often from now on. It was sooo nice to get into today without crap everywhere!

Yesterday some gremlins took possession of my brain and I allowed a door to door guy to talk to me about telstra and bigpond, in fact I signed up to transfer from my beloved optusnet cable to BIGSWAMP cable….then after the kids went to bed and I looked over the paperwork, my last few bills, my current plans etc ….and I filled out the ‘I changed my mind’ form and faxed it through….what was I thinking! *note nothing personal just I have heard not nice things about bigswamp and I have never had a problem with my optusnet*

I have also been literally drowning in paperwork and stuff for top50 of late. I am happily almost up to date now! woohooo! Well that isn’t the long term to-do list….just the ‘for immediate action to-do list’ lol! I will never never be caught up….it’s a bit like the washing really….you can never have everything clean (unless you wash naked lol) can you?

Ok enough of my silly prattle and back to work for me. Five more sleeps til my Bretty Boy turns FOUR!

August 8, 2007 at 1:53 pm 2 comments

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August 2007