Archive for August, 2010

Best, Worst & Funniest…

A couple of years ago I mentioned at school that getting any news out of the kids about what happened at school was sometimes like pulling teeth. I was given three little laminated cards with smiley faces and a brief instruction sheet for a little dinner time game called best, worst and funniest. The instructions and the cards (which had smiley face, sad face & laughing face) have long since disappeared and yet Best, Worst & Funniest remains a regular part of our day and is usually instigated by the boys.  The basic idea is that you go around the table and say

“The best thing that happend to me today was……” then the worst and to ensure you finish on a good night then the funniest. The things the kids have told me as a result of this silly little game is amazing. And not always directly what is said but often the conversation that it leads to.

Today the best thing that happened to Owen, Brett and Corey was their dinner (spinach and riccotta filled pasta with a carbonara sauce), for me it was that Owen cooked the dinner (I helped but he did most of it).

and when it came to the worst thing (we did the weekend as Owen was at a cub sleepover last night and we were out for dinner so didn’t play)….gotta love Owen’s worst thing……”nothing….I had a perfect weekend”……gotta love that!

and the other exciting news …….*insert drumroll here* BRETT can tie his own shoelaces!!!!!! well done Brett!

and of course also looking forward to lunch tomorrow with my cousin who has just moved from Perth to Victoria (about an hour from here) and whom I haven’t seen in 15 years!

and with that I will say goodnight.


August 8, 2010 at 8:30 pm 1 comment

my poor neglected blog

sorry blog I kinda left you all alone for a while.

So where are we now. Spending way too much time on facebook and even just reading the news online and not enough on housework, trying to get some more motivation.

My study – I got a distinction for my first psych assignment and the second one has just been handed in. I have done all the online tests for the unit so just have the exam to go on the 3rd September – of course I am a little bit behind in my reading. The chapter I am supposed to be reading atm is on motivation and it talks a lot about depression and eating, not exercising and generally about being overweight and not acting to do stuff about it….I’m struggling – perhaps because it is just a little bit close to home – motivation is my biggest issue at the moment.

Owen – got a B for reading, his teacher is really impressed with his reading at the moment (reading at a 3rd grade level whilst in grade 2). The rest of his report was pretty good, just the ‘normal’ paying attention issues and social issues for him. He had an eye test and it turns out his eyes are under a lot of strain as his eyesight really isn’t very good (worse than first thought – they put drops in to double check). So he is getting new glasses shortly, stronger ones and I’ve decided to fork out the extra $100 for a pair of transistion lenses for him as I feel he would benefit from the sun protection – particuarly on long drives (to Adelaide etc).

Brett – got a D for writing – it is all down to his lack of muscle tone in his arms and we are doing all we can to improve it and help him to work on it. His cutting skills are much improved and his swim teacher has commented on his improved muscle strength so hopefully that will all come along.

Corey – is driving me nuts lately! Tantrums all day and carrying on at bedtime, he is testing his boundries big time.  But at the same time I’d say my favourite part of the day is when he gets up and climbs into bed with me for a good morning cuddle in the morning and tells me he loves me.  Cute, adorable little monster he is!

Zero (the cat) is legal now – he has been microchipped and registered. Next on the agenda is to have him desexed – hope he forgives me for that one (coming soon). I think I will try to book him in so that it is done on a friday when the kids go to Dads so he gets a lot of peace for a few days.

so thats me – gotta go help out with kinder fundraising stuff shortly. It would seem that I am in charge of fundraising as well as acting secretary atm as our secretary is going to resign and everyone appears to be too busy to do anything…..someone has to.

August 4, 2010 at 10:45 am 4 comments

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August 2010