Archive for January, 2007

A little teary

I’ve just been off doing a little bit of blog surfing instead of doing what I am supposed to be doing and now I’m wiping big fat tears off my brand new desk.

Been reading about all the mummy’s sending their babies off to school for the first time. And you know it’s weird. You see I’ve known for a good 2 years or more that Owen would be doing 2 years of kinder and that was fine and that IS fine because that IS what is best for him and yet I am sitting here having a little blubber because my baby isn’t going to school this year and he should be cause he’s 5 but he so isn’t ready and it just isn’t fair. Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t change him. I love him to bits but some days it just is a little hard because most days you forget the ‘developmentally delayed’ label and you just see a silly little boy walking like a cowboy….and other days the words slap you in the face and you realise that he isn’t quite up to where he should be and you wonder if you could have done better by him somehow and all the while you KNOW that it’s silly and that you’ve done the best job you knew how to do. And I KNOW how good the kinder staff are and I KNOW he needs this extra year and the stupid thing is that NEXT year, even despite this, I’ll be a blubbering mess because I’ll be sending my baby off to school and I WON’T be ready….

now see told you….silly silly Mummy….best I got get that pooter inside now and get the dinner organised before I go fetch the little monsters!

January 31, 2007 at 5:24 pm 1 comment

I am woman….hear me roar

….or swear! lol!

I am pretty wrecked. My hands hurt from turning the screwdriver (20 screws for 4 desk legs come on)! I have a dust induced hay fever headache slowly abating (drugs are a wonderful thing)! But I also managed to single handedly get the HUGE desk which is wider than the doorway OUT the door and I have assembled the new smaller funkier black one (assembled the pedestal drawers last night) and I have unplugged and plugged everything back in and it all seems to be working….I have an extra cord….but it all seems to be working so we shall wait and see what happens on that front!

Now the scrap desk that I had successfully cleared off is now looking pretty messy again and I still have lots more sorting/tidying/organising in here but progress IS being made in turning this into a NICE scraproom and office. Step by step am making progress.

Oh and today I finally got some other things sorted too

kinder fees – paid woohoo just in time as kinder starts tomorrow (story is I asked if I could pay at the agm with cc and was told yes but then couldn’t so have forgotten to pay the bill again and again since November! – well interviews anyway (damn I forgot to get Owen a new hat – he kinda threw up all over his on the way home from Adelaide and at the time I thought it easier to just chuck it and buy a new one)!

car rego – paid and changed to 6 monthly how is that! Get a discount too and only have to pay it every 6 months – love it when I can spread my bills to make them more manageable!

AND – medicare – I have my own card number coming without ex on it (we both get to have the kids on our own card which is good). So almost completely organised on that front. Just one more bank account (which he is using but still has my name on) and RACV – must type up that fax so he can sign it to separate the membership especially as it will be due soon!

Well I had best get the pasta cooking for dinner tonight and take the kids computer and desk inside as I ejected it from the scraproom but can hardly let it sit outside overnight!

January 31, 2007 at 5:03 pm 2 comments

They know….

I kept forgetting to tell the ex to let me know when he planned to tell the boys about the baby….today on our way home from IKEA (love IKEA – spent too much but got most the things on my list – half way through assembling but thought he neighbours might not take too kindly to excessive banging at this time of night)….anyway drifted off topic (so not like me lol)…anyway on the way home Owen for some reason we got to talking about what the boys would be when they grew up. I think it started as a joke when I asked Brett if he was going to be a race car driver (answer was yes btw). Owen told me he was going to be a Tram driver (but only this way not the other way lol?!). So then he says that he won’t live with me any more cause he will be all grown up like Daddy. (vague recollections of talking about people growing up and moving out of home because of other things not so long ago). So I asked was he going to live alone or with someone. He is going to live with another boy not a girl (girl germs already methinks?)! Then he tells me he isn’t going to have a baby. Now that struck me as a little bit odd as not so long ago he was determined to be a Mummy! So I ask why not and he says that ‘boys don’t get babies in their tummy’s only girls’ ahh ok that I understand. But something seemed a little off so I asked if he knew anyone who was going to have a baby and he says yes Kelly. And so it all started to come out! He knows that the baby is Kellys baby and Daddy’s baby but he still doesn’t want to have a baby – not a big issue as lots of kids say that but a big turnaround for him. Still I’m betting it may have been a big shock for him to be told that (it seems he was told yesterday at Daddy’s house – by Kelly ,….yes I would have thought it his job to explain that or mine but we won’t go there)…..Neither of them seem terribly wrapt in the idea so will just keep an eye on it. Hard to get them excited about the prospect of a new little brother or sister given that it isn’t my baby…not feeling sad really just concerned for their feelings.

now did i mention they were GREAT at ikea we had a really good day (pity we forgot to go to the pead AGAIN), we looked and shopped and had lunch then looked then the kids went into the supervised play area for the first time! one hour in ikea with just me and corey to grab everything from our list and get through the checkout. left it in the loading bay with ikea staff while I picked up kids and then came back for stuff…lots of stuff! Love their system of matching stamps on the kids hands and mine so that no one else can pick them up too! I love that my kids Love IKEA too – although mostly I love it better on my own lol!

well its late again and I’m waffling again…

Corey still only nearly walking – if he would be brave and stand up more often the walking would just happen! tell me a boy who can bounce up and down standing can’t walk/stand – he just needs to work up some more confidence!

oh and one last comment – would you believe that it is not yet the end of January and we at top50 have completely BOOKED our monthly competition/cybercrop sponsorships for the rest of 2007! wow! how awesome is that!

I know I know I said one last one but we are cybercropping again this weekend on FRIDAY (challenges to be up by midnight on Sunday) so come and join in the fun with thanks to our sponsors at URBAN LILY!

oh and check out the new CHA stuff here with thanks to TAMARA!

January 31, 2007 at 12:19 am 1 comment

Plans and stuff

Have been trying to get on top of things lately – starting in my scraproom come office. I spend so much of my time in here that when it is a mess I am a mess too. So having a big tidy up and clean out. Tried (unsuccessfully) to buy a desk today – shall have another go tomorrow.

Have plans for Top50…it’s funny when top50 first started I discussed a partnership with Gabbie but she wasn’t ready to hand over too much and I was worried about cash to make a financial investment. Over time as I worked for Gabbie and then when I bought the site from her, it gradually became more than just a bit of fun but as much a part of my life as my family. The girls online are my friends. But it is so much more than that. I think that many people see my work as a hobby – something to keep me out of mischief for a bit. It is in fact a business. One that I have plans to build over the coming years in the hope that I won’t have to return to full time work and miss being home when my boys come home from school. With me on my own now that is even more important to me. I believe that it is a great place and with time will just get bigger and better.

ahhh ok now I’m waffling – up too late again!

January 30, 2007 at 12:56 am 1 comment

some pics

just a quick catch up in pictures…

for those that didn’t believe me that the house isn’t looking so upstanding….here it is…(this is the worst bit btw – it isn’t all this bad!

you know what – that’s probably enough pics….

the big news is that COREY Is officially fully capable of STANDING UP unaided – even did it in the bath…lots of standing up today – am sure he will be off and walking any day now!

January 29, 2007 at 12:50 am 2 comments

A Scrappe Angels Heaven…

the new store name for Scrappe Angels and indeed it was heavenly this morning…

The girls had their big annual sale and I had an early pass to get in so went at 9am. The boys were all VERY good so I had a chance to have a good look at all the new stock which was awesome.

The divine Tamara (aka DivaTam) has been putting up loads more images to drool over of upcoming things for CHA too!

Judith popped in to show me her goodies….twice (the second time returning the toys that they had left behind – thanks Judith)!

The boys and I made DAMPER (a challenge at Top50 for Australia Day) we made a cheese damper yum!

ANd Corey did a bit more standing up with NO HANDS today too AND I can’t believe I forgot to mention I think we had his official first word yesterday…..just like my big two – he handed me a car and said ‘car’ lol!

will pop in later and post some pics have been a bit slack am going to get in here more often and with pics!

Life is too short – take chances…LIVE IT!

January 27, 2007 at 8:26 pm 1 comment

It might be falling down but it’s all mine!

just one more step towards finalising everything between Steve and me but a pretty major milestone for ME personally.

With a little bit of help from my friends (especially Karen S on this one) I now OWN this house myself (well actually St George Bank own a good portion of it) but the rest is MINE – no ours left in that just MY name on the title.

Don’t forget we are scrapping all this LONG Australia Day Weekend at top50 so come and join us we have HEAPS of Awesome prizes and lots of fun games/activities for you to participate in (and not just online but with your family too).

oh and Corey is a cheeky bugger – stood up for a good few minutes having a drink today then noticed me looking at him and got down crawled over to my chair and held on while he finished his drink…..that boy sooo could walk if he wanted to!

January 26, 2007 at 12:21 am 1 comment

Oh what a wonderful day!

In no particular order….

Went to safeway (one for the farmers) even though I would normally have left it for tomorrow – the dread of taking 3 energetic young boys you see.  Well I went and it is amazing what happens when you change your attitude.

Normal supermarket with boys attitude – ok lets get in and out as fast as possible, grit your teeth it won’t be long!

Today’s supermarket with boys attitude – ok we have a list. Boys can you help me? the first thing we need to find is milk. Oh you found some good! Let me see – we will have one of those ones – you got it Owen great….Now it must be Bretts turn we need cheese…! Kids were great – people commented on how cute they were and helpful (as opposed to the usual dirty looks) !

Got two lots of paperwork finalised and in the mail.  The third arrived today and is ready to go tomorrow – just need to photocopy something.

Kids backpacks are packed for daycare AND their clothes laid out (here’s hoping they actually get themselves dressed like we talked about).

Fridge has coke (zero) again.

I shopped!Purple topRed topnice huh?

I got a settlement date on my mortgage – THURSDAY!

We had a good dinner (tuna bake with cheese swirls -kids ate some no moaning).

Kids went to bed well (ok this is normal but still good)

I got books in the mail! (caffeine for the creative mind – very interesting)

Tomorrow is daycare day!

I have friends to chat to!

The devils marbles is gaining ground – don’t forget to vote …see here
AND Top50 is having a BIG MEGA Australia Day Scrap Frenzy – lots of fun, photo challenges, scrap challenges, games and activities and stuff – heaps of prizes so check it all out here

January 24, 2007 at 12:14 am 2 comments

The dentist, real dangers of antibiotics and friends

I had an 8.45am visit to the dentist today….some may have been following the saga or know me long enough to know that when little baby Owen had his pixie fotos done I wouldn’t open my mouth to smile properly because of my bad tooth – that was 5 years ago. For the past 18months I’ve been seeing the dentist pretty regularly. Sadly some were beyond repair and I still have two gaps – one is sorta obvious in photos but only if taken on the wrong angle so I’m learning to smile again. Today I thought one more was coming out but she has filled it again….and said that’s it all done! so big SMILES from me! (workin on back teeth today was a bit icky to say the least so glad it is over for now) kids brush your teeth – look after them!

antibiotics are dangerous….or mine are… a bit over half way through the pkt of 20 and have managed to slice my finger open (like a deep papercut) three times now (same finger)!

and lasting but most importantly. Just remembering how blessed I am to have such awesome friends. A huge thanks to big sister Sue for convincing me to drive all the way over to her place for a scrapbooking party cause wow how my life changed that day – I would have been completely mindblown had you told me the impact that scrapbooking would have on my life back then! Most of my friends I have met through scrapbooking and I don’t know what I would do without them! I have friends who know me as well – if not better – than I know myself. Friends who help me with work rest and play, friends who put aside all else if they know I’m down. I have the best friends in the world. I tell ya I’m one lucky chick!

January 22, 2007 at 9:14 pm 2 comments

a message from my good friend KATE

Have you heard that Monopoly are developing an Aussie board game? The same as the traditional Monopoly game, but with Aussie icons around the board. There is a website set up where you can vote for your favourite location and I believe it is the top 3 spots in each state/territory will make it onto the board!

Now my request … I am pleading with you all that you log onto the site daily (it waits 24 hours before you can vote again) and after you have voted for your favourite location in your state, PLEASE VOTE FOR THE DEVILS MARBLES in the NT!!! The site is

I am the manager of Tourisim in my region, and the Marbles are our major attraction, jsut 100km south of me in Tennant Creek. Uluru (or ‘the Rock’ as we call it) is known worldwide, and will no doubt get heaps of votes. Because of this, I am asking that you consider giving the ‘little guys’ a boost!!! While Uluru is famous, the local sacred site is just as important to our Traditional Owners and they have been working hard lately with anthropologists to record the Dreaming stories. To get the Marbles onto the Monopoly board would be the sort of promotion of this natural icon that money just can’t buy … especially from the budget of the smallest Tourism region in the Territory!!!

Voting started just this week and continues till the 10th of February. So please please please give the Devils Marbles your vote!!!

I have emailed everyone I know asking that they give us a running chance against the big guns!! I would really appreciate it if you would consider giving us your NT vote, and pass the word on to anyone else you know.

Thank you so much. It would mean the world to this small region to be up there with the big guys!!!


Kate Smile

January 18, 2007 at 10:08 pm 1 comment

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January 2007