Archive for August, 2011

a quick update…

Things are travelling along, house/yard is still a disaster but…

Uni – two new units just started (full time again for the next 13 weeks)today officially.  Intro to Psych 2 & Analysis of Variance (another stats unit).  I am actually really looking forward to them and have down the first two weeks work for psych already (they opened the units up over the weekend so I had time to get a headstart).  The first essay for psych is about online friendships so really keen to get stuck into it (the hard bit will be leaving out personal experience and only including stuff from peer reviewed papers)!  Have done my research and had a pile of articles printed and binded ready for me to start reading and highlighting and scribbling notes in the margins!

Owen – had an update with his teacher and the Austism group co-ordinator at school today. He is travelling well but we are going to look at getting him on a mental health plan. We’ve had increasing aggression at home – nothing alarming but it was suggested we get onto it a bit early as life gets harder for kids with aspergers going into the next couple of years so wouldn’t hurt to have a visit or two with a pscyhologist to help with things along the way.  His teacher is most impressed with his manners and general behaviour though so thats great.

Brett & Corey have parent teacher interviews next week.

the fireworks? well maybe there is more than first thought as an SMS brings a smile to my face….will take it slow and see how it goes but so far so good.

are you impressed…two updates in the space of a week?

August 29, 2011 at 7:07 pm 2 comments

Do we need fireworks?

it’s a question on my mind recently….It’s very early days but I’ve met a man recently and being with him is nice, its comfortable, relaxed and warm but then I come home and I think…but there is no fireworks does there need to be….is safe and warm and comfortable enough?  just a thought….early days…will see how it goes for now….but if there is anyone out there still reading this very occassional blog….what do you think?

August 25, 2011 at 12:06 pm 2 comments

updated the 50 things list

kids have been taught to play uno (over xmas forgot to tick it off) and the boys have been helping me cook – one boy at a time – for the past about 6 weeks so ticked that one off too. They have helped me to cook lasagne and pizzas, rissotto, pasta carbonara, chilli amongst other things.  In fact Owen in particular is getting quite good and really I help him a little he is doing most of it himself.


Still we must make an effort to get moving as I have done only 10 on the list of 50 so far and I’m getting very very close to 38 which leaves me only 12 more years for the last 40…hmm 3.3 per year…still doable if I get moving!


August 14, 2011 at 2:45 pm 1 comment

A time for change

It has been no secret that I have been struggling with depression for some time. For me one of the major issues is that I have been unable to keep up the house in a respectable state. The problem then is that I can’t have anyone over and neither can the kids and home ceases to be a place of peace and refuge when the clutter takes over.  I have been making gains with the whole depression thing. Most days I am able to make decisions like what to cook for dinner, most days I’m able to get myself out of bed without a major struggle….but still the house has made little or no progress and I am putting my foot down and deciding that it is time for a change.  I have made a decision to clean up before but sadly it always falls over after an hour or a day or two…this time I want to make sure that it doesn’t fall over.

It took a while for the house to get into it’s present state so there isn’t going to be an instant solution – it will take time.  I figured that what I really needed was a PLAN of ACTION.  So I bought a ‘to do list’ notebook (bargain $2 from woolies) and I made a list of all the things that need to be done – breaking them up into small tasks rather than ‘clean the loungeroom’ type tasks. I made a list of jobs for me and a list of jobs for the kids for each room in the house.  So over the next two weeks we are going to leave the bedrooms & playroom and we are going to focus on getting the rest of the house into a fit state.  I keep putting it off because it is too hard. But at the end of my list writing I have 1-3 jobs a day for me and the same for the kids.  So really it isn’t going to be as hard as I had thought. At the end of these two weeks the main living spaces should be tidy (not spotless perhaps but tidy) and then I’ll make a plan for the bedrooms and the playroom – whilst maintaining the living spaces!

So now I just need to stick to the plan! Putting it here is a step further in my commitment. I am making a public promise to myself to get my house in order because I think I need to!  Will try to post here more often too!

wish me luck


August 14, 2011 at 1:25 pm 1 comment

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August 2011