Archive for June, 2007

tell me everyone has a bad day….

ok so the kids clothes were laid out so they could get dressed in the morning….

they got up at 7.15ish…..were dressed by um….around 9.30am

I now have ALL their dvd’s….’nuff said.

Had Corey to the Dr….got him some eye drops so we should hopefully be on top of the muck in a couple of days…she checked on his chest as he’s had a cough for ages too (been seen a month ago for it but dr said it was clear at the time) so antibiotics for him too…then she heard/saw me cough and soo antibiotics for me too.

Big boys (especially Owen – man what is with the attitude from a 5.5yr old?) were horrible today. But I’ve been working on a mini album of the boys which includes the good and bad stuff so at least I got some of my journalling written….

“Sometimes it seems like a constant frustrating battle to get you to even listen to me, let alone do what I ask. There are days that my frustration gets the better or me, days that I yell too much. Those days I am convinced I am a terrible mother. I know that, while many would never admit it, every parent has days like this. One day boys, when you have kids of your own may you be given strength in the knowledge that I too have days when I just want to cry out my frustration….it doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” ok so its just a rough draft….

and on a happy note….I crossed at least 3 things off my to do list tonight

and b4 the boys went to bed we blew bubbles, read a story and had a cuddle and we all promised to try really really hard to be good tomorrow…..yup me too – am sure my tired/grumpiness hasn’t helped much of late.

So night night I’m off to bed!

June 30, 2007 at 11:34 pm 2 comments

oh soo tired (yes I’m on my way to bed) and its a boy

I am tired – have been tired for weeks it seems….must start taking the vitamins I did feel better for a week or two when I was remembering but it seems they lose their effectiveness if you only sit them on the shelf…funny about that.

Anyway the bub arrived last night – a boy (Tyler) the big boys went with Daddy after kinder to go meet their new brother but Corey didn’t as well ex’s car just wasn’t big enough to fit her parents and all 3 kids in it – and well it was okish as he picked them up at 2pm which is nap time so I got a good 3.5hrs of quiet time in which I watched some more ‘friends’ and did a huge stack of dishes and got dinner started.

Have come out to my computer to have some good news (top50 stuff) and not too much more work (I need to catch up a bit) so that was good.

School holidays here now too for 2.5 weeks (two student free days on return so no kinder til the thursday so really close to 3 weeks of holidays)! Thinking that we may try to check out some of the free activities in the city over the holidays (and maybe get a marriage cert so I can get divorced too) lol!

so now I’m off to bed before I get my hand slapped – have had too many late nights – not helping the tiredness thing I guess. Anyway 8.30 swimming lessons don’t stop through school holidays so still have to be up early – but at least we can have breakfast later.

June 29, 2007 at 12:10 am 1 comment

It’s almost here…

yup the baby is on his/her way it seems….I had to ring my ex for something this morning and he had been at the hospital earlier but been sent home as it was progressing slowly (it seems not everyone gets my quick labours lol)….so I’d assume that by tomorrow the kids will have a new brother or sister…..

Its weird – I feel like I SHOULD be feeling something about it, you know anger or something but nothing. The kids are a little excited about the new baby but also a little anxious as you would expect I guess ….I just hope they cope with it all ok….I think we have resolved the ‘when is the baby coming home with us’ question (hmmm let me think never….lol)….I guess time will tell how it all works out….

for now it is so cold and wintery that I just wanted to cuddle up near the heater and read a book (or several to the kids) and have soup for dinner (hmmm but not cauliflower soup guesstimated without a reciepe – I was soooo proud of Owen trying not only to eat the disgusting muck but pretending to like it cause he had ASKED for cauliflower soup)lol….should have had a camera on the look of relief when I said actually Mummy doesn’t like it and I didn’t eat mine…and really toast is ok for dinner isn’t it? just not all the time maybe lol

June 27, 2007 at 11:17 pm 3 comments

What is your favourite sound in the world?

Not so long ago I would have answered – waves crashing on the beach. It is so soothing to the soul – I love the beach, particularly in winter when it is quiet and kinda deserted.

I’ve changed my mind now though. There are some sounds I treasure even more.

My boys are rough and tumble monsters and I love them to pieces but as a result of their constant noise level I now treasure the sounds of SILENCE….

Tonight though, they came home after a weekend at Daddy’s and I love their little voices telling me about their day, I realised that as much as I Love the down time (the sleep ins, the quiet) of weekends they spend with Daddy, that I equally love them coming home again. And as I finalise my work I hear the best sound in the world coming over the baby monitor….

the gentle quiet snoring of a little boy….gotta love that.

June 26, 2007 at 12:26 am 1 comment

We’ve been checking out the snow….

The boys and I checked out the toboggan run at Lake Mountain today and were excited to see not only heaps of snow but people tobogganing! Owen wanted to go NOW…TODAY (yeah at 3pm that is going to happen)! but ahhh well I’m looking forward to it. I think we are all just about kitted out now – or will be when the latest lot of ebay stuff arrives!

Starting to get back into work – kinda really let things slide a little in the last few days – I think I just needed a break from it. Today at least some people will be glad to know that all error messages in the gallery should now be legible (as in no more black writing on a black background issues)!

June 23, 2007 at 10:59 pm 1 comment

Got this one from Pam’s blog……

1. What are your favourite lines from a song?

ok so I couldn’t pic a few lines – tis an old mariah carey song from way back that struck a cord amid the teenage angst…

      It’s a long road
      When you face the world alone
      No one reaches out a hand
      For you to hold
      And then a hero comes along
      With the strength to carry on
      And you cast your fears aside
      And you know you can survive
      So when you feel like hope is gone
      Look inside you and be strong
      And you’ll finally see the truth
      That a hero lies in you

2. What is a question that people ask you that gets on your nerves?
With three boys I get a lot of ‘Are you going to try for a girl?’ ahhh no that would require a MAN firstly and frankly the risk of adding to the noise level (have you ever heard the volume of THREE BOYS?) makes it a little less appealing too – for all that I love them to pieces!

3. Name something you have in common with all your siblings.
all of them?! hmmm that is tough….maybe UNO – sounds silly I know but when we all get together we tend to play a lot of uno.
4. What is the greatest amount of pain you’ve ever been in?
gallstones horrid – much worse than labour – lasted longer and nothing cute at the end of it either!
5. Who is the last person you wrote a letter to on paper?
6. Have you ever fired a gun?

7. What was your favourite childhood toy?
umm John? my teddy I got when I was 4
8. What sound do you find disturbing?
nails down a blackboard!

9. Whose diary would you like to read?
well I read a few blogs – same thing isn’t it?

10. Have you ever had a recurring dream?
Not for years – used to years ago but not for a long long time.

11. Name something that makes you happy.
my boys when they are having a good day – like asking for cuddles instead of just being generally LOUD. Scrapbooking too – in fact I get positively horrid if I don’t scrap regularly – it is a lifesaver really (we are talking the kids lives lol).

12. If you were in an emergency situation would you be able to deliver a baby?
umm not sure really, I guess I’d call for help and follow instructions as best I could.

13. What is the closest thing to you that is green?
a green highlighter on the desk

14. Have you ever had to call 000?
umm no – was there when someone else called but never made the call myself.

15. What is the last movie you watched?
Shrek the Third – on the IMAX screen in Brissie – thanks to LISA

16. What CD is in your CD player?
umm just a relaxing music type cd – its in my bedroom to help me sleep. IF we listen to music at home it is via the dvd player but I think that would most likely have Thomas the tank engine in it currently.
17. Do you fold your underwear?
yeah right…like I don’t have enough to do already

18. What movie do you know every line to?
ummm Racing Stripes and Toy Story (two of the kids favourites)

19. What did you do before this?
I’ve been reading everyone’s blogs, updating my own, and pretending to work

20. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
sometimes but I make mistakes too it seems. Especially late at night.

21. When was the last time you slept on the floor?

on the floor? ummm girl guide camps?

June 17, 2007 at 12:32 am Leave a comment

Got this one from Pam’s blog……

1. What are your favourite lines from a song?

ok so I couldn’t pic a few lines – tis an old mariah carey song from way back that struck a cord amid the teenage angst…

      It’s a long road
      When you face the world alone
      No one reaches out a hand
      For you to hold
      And then a hero comes along
      With the strength to carry on
      And you cast your fears aside
      And you know you can survive
      So when you feel like hope is gone
      Look inside you and be strong
      And you’ll finally see the truth
      That a hero lies in you

2. What is a question that people ask you that gets on your nerves?
With three boys I get a lot of ‘Are you going to try for a girl?’ ahhh no that would require a MAN firstly and frankly the risk of adding to the noise level (have you ever heard the volume of THREE BOYS?) makes it a little less appealing too – for all that I love them to pieces!

3. Name something you have in common with all your siblings.
all of them?! hmmm that is tough….maybe UNO – sounds silly I know but when we all get together we tend to play a lot of uno.
4. What is the greatest amount of pain you’ve ever been in?
gallstones horrid – much worse than labour – lasted longer and nothing cute at the end of it either!
5. Who is the last person you wrote a letter to on paper?
6. Have you ever fired a gun?

7. What was your favourite childhood toy?
umm John? my teddy I got when I was 4
8. What sound do you find disturbing?
nails down a blackboard!

9. Whose diary would you like to read?
well I read a few blogs – same thing isn’t it?

10. Have you ever had a recurring dream?
Not for years – used to years ago but not for a long long time.

11. Name something that makes you happy.
my boys when they are having a good day – like asking for cuddles instead of just being generally LOUD. Scrapbooking too – in fact I get positively horrid if I don’t scrap regularly – it is a lifesaver really (we are talking the kids lives lol).

12. If you were in an emergency situation would you be able to deliver a baby?
umm not sure really, I guess I’d call for help and follow instructions as best I could.

13. What is the closest thing to you that is green?
a green highlighter on the desk

14. Have you ever had to call 000?
umm no – was there when someone else called but never made the call myself.

15. What is the last movie you watched?
Shrek the Third – on the IMAX screen in Brissie – thanks to LISA

16. What CD is in your CD player?
umm just a relaxing music type cd – its in my bedroom to help me sleep. IF we listen to music at home it is via the dvd player but I think that would most likely have Thomas the tank engine in it currently.
17. Do you fold your underwear?
yeah right…like I don’t have enough to do already

18. What movie do you know every line to?
ummm Racing Stripes and Toy Story (two of the kids favourites)

19. What did you do before this?
I’ve been reading everyone’s blogs, updating my own, and pretending to work

20. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
sometimes but I make mistakes too it seems. Especially late at night.

21. When was the last time you slept on the floor?

on the floor? ummm girl guide camps?

June 17, 2007 at 12:32 am Leave a comment

Got this one from Pam’s blog……

1. What are your favourite lines from a song?

ok so I couldn’t pic a few lines – tis an old mariah carey song from way back that struck a cord amid the teenage angst…

      It’s a long road
      When you face the world alone
      No one reaches out a hand
      For you to hold
      And then a hero comes along
      With the strength to carry on
      And you cast your fears aside
      And you know you can survive
      So when you feel like hope is gone
      Look inside you and be strong
      And you’ll finally see the truth
      That a hero lies in you

2. What is a question that people ask you that gets on your nerves?
With three boys I get a lot of ‘Are you going to try for a girl?’ ahhh no that would require a MAN firstly and frankly the risk of adding to the noise level (have you ever heard the volume of THREE BOYS?) makes it a little less appealing too – for all that I love them to pieces!

3. Name something you have in common with all your siblings.
all of them?! hmmm that is tough….maybe UNO – sounds silly I know but when we all get together we tend to play a lot of uno.
4. What is the greatest amount of pain you’ve ever been in?
gallstones horrid – much worse than labour – lasted longer and nothing cute at the end of it either!
5. Who is the last person you wrote a letter to on paper?
6. Have you ever fired a gun?

7. What was your favourite childhood toy?
umm John? my teddy I got when I was 4
8. What sound do you find disturbing?
nails down a blackboard!

9. Whose diary would you like to read?
well I read a few blogs – same thing isn’t it?

10. Have you ever had a recurring dream?
Not for years – used to years ago but not for a long long time.

11. Name something that makes you happy.
my boys when they are having a good day – like asking for cuddles instead of just being generally LOUD. Scrapbooking too – in fact I get positively horrid if I don’t scrap regularly – it is a lifesaver really (we are talking the kids lives lol).

12. If you were in an emergency situation would you be able to deliver a baby?
umm not sure really, I guess I’d call for help and follow instructions as best I could.

13. What is the closest thing to you that is green?
a green highlighter on the desk

14. Have you ever had to call 000?
umm no – was there when someone else called but never made the call myself.

15. What is the last movie you watched?
Shrek the Third – on the IMAX screen in Brissie – thanks to LISA

16. What CD is in your CD player?
umm just a relaxing music type cd – its in my bedroom to help me sleep. IF we listen to music at home it is via the dvd player but I think that would most likely have Thomas the tank engine in it currently.
17. Do you fold your underwear?
yeah right…like I don’t have enough to do already

18. What movie do you know every line to?
ummm Racing Stripes and Toy Story (two of the kids favourites)

19. What did you do before this?
I’ve been reading everyone’s blogs, updating my own, and pretending to work

20. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
sometimes but I make mistakes too it seems. Especially late at night.

21. When was the last time you slept on the floor?

on the floor? ummm girl guide camps?

June 17, 2007 at 12:32 am Leave a comment

Got this one from Pam’s blog……

1. What are your favourite lines from a song?

ok so I couldn’t pic a few lines – tis an old mariah carey song from way back that struck a cord amid the teenage angst…

      It’s a long road
      When you face the world alone
      No one reaches out a hand
      For you to hold
      And then a hero comes along
      With the strength to carry on
      And you cast your fears aside
      And you know you can survive
      So when you feel like hope is gone
      Look inside you and be strong
      And you’ll finally see the truth
      That a hero lies in you

2. What is a question that people ask you that gets on your nerves?
With three boys I get a lot of ‘Are you going to try for a girl?’ ahhh no that would require a MAN firstly and frankly the risk of adding to the noise level (have you ever heard the volume of THREE BOYS?) makes it a little less appealing too – for all that I love them to pieces!

3. Name something you have in common with all your siblings.
all of them?! hmmm that is tough….maybe UNO – sounds silly I know but when we all get together we tend to play a lot of uno.
4. What is the greatest amount of pain you’ve ever been in?
gallstones horrid – much worse than labour – lasted longer and nothing cute at the end of it either!
5. Who is the last person you wrote a letter to on paper?
6. Have you ever fired a gun?

7. What was your favourite childhood toy?
umm John? my teddy I got when I was 4
8. What sound do you find disturbing?
nails down a blackboard!

9. Whose diary would you like to read?
well I read a few blogs – same thing isn’t it?

10. Have you ever had a recurring dream?
Not for years – used to years ago but not for a long long time.

11. Name something that makes you happy.
my boys when they are having a good day – like asking for cuddles instead of just being generally LOUD. Scrapbooking too – in fact I get positively horrid if I don’t scrap regularly – it is a lifesaver really (we are talking the kids lives lol).

12. If you were in an emergency situation would you be able to deliver a baby?
umm not sure really, I guess I’d call for help and follow instructions as best I could.

13. What is the closest thing to you that is green?
a green highlighter on the desk

14. Have you ever had to call 000?
umm no – was there when someone else called but never made the call myself.

15. What is the last movie you watched?
Shrek the Third – on the IMAX screen in Brissie – thanks to LISA

16. What CD is in your CD player?
umm just a relaxing music type cd – its in my bedroom to help me sleep. IF we listen to music at home it is via the dvd player but I think that would most likely have Thomas the tank engine in it currently.
17. Do you fold your underwear?
yeah right…like I don’t have enough to do already

18. What movie do you know every line to?
ummm Racing Stripes and Toy Story (two of the kids favourites)

19. What did you do before this?
I’ve been reading everyone’s blogs, updating my own, and pretending to work

20. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
sometimes but I make mistakes too it seems. Especially late at night.

21. When was the last time you slept on the floor?

on the floor? ummm girl guide camps?

June 17, 2007 at 12:32 am Leave a comment

He loves me not……he loves me!

yup he does love me after all! Owen that is.

When I picked him up from Daycare on Wednesday while the others ran to cuddle Mummy he stomped his foot and said ‘I don’t want you I want Daddy’ ….now I guess he is older than the others and has always been a bit of a Daddy’s boy so I guess I half expected it but still sucks….

Anyway Thursday he was still a little cold but yesterday and today I have been totally smothered in cuddles! The most used words for the past two days have been “I want a cuddle” so I guess he does love me and was probably just cross that I left for a whole week without him.

Still tired for some reason – not making much inroad into the disaster zone of a house I left behind (I knew I had been sick and not done some things but man I didn’t realise I left it quite that bad) bugger!

So anyway just checking and and thought I’d share some pics too as I haven’t scrapped anything…thought these ones might be most appropriate today….


June 16, 2007 at 10:30 pm 2 comments

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